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Home > Resources > Let's World Cup! (II)

Let's World Cup! (II), by Christina

生词表 Vocabulary 

  1. 先发阵容 xiān fā zhèn róng starting lineup
  2. 战术 zhàn shù tactics
  3. 替补球员 tì bǔ qiú yuán subtitute
  4. 传球 chuán qiú passing
  5. 教练 经理 jiāo liàn  jīng lǐ coach, manager
  6. 阵型 zhèn xíng formation
  7. 横传 héng chuán crossing
  8. 近身盯人 jìn shēn dīng rén close marking
  9. 射门得分 shè mén dé fèn finish
  10. 带球突破dài qiú tū pò break
  11. 球门qiú mén goal (the gate)
  12. 铲球chǎn qiú tackle
  13. 守门员shǒu mén yuán goalie
  14. 防守球员fáng shǒu qiú yuán defender
  15. 中场球员zhōng chǎng qiú yuán midfield
  16. 进攻球员jìn gōng qiú yuán striker
  17. 倒挂金钩 dǎo guà jīn gōu bicycle kick  
  18. 搭顺风车 dā shùn fēng chē give someone a lift

例句 Sample Sentences

dé guó de jiāo liàn mán xǐ huān wā bí kǒng de ,suī rán tā shì xíng nán
The German coach likes to pick his nose, though he’s a trendy guy.

yī bù de dǎo guà jīn gōu hěn yǒu míng ,dàn tā zhè cì méi néng cān jiā shì jiè bēi
Zlatan is famous about his bicycle kick but this time he has no chance to attain World Cup.

duō shù guó jiā duì dōu yòng jìn shēn dīng rén de zhàn shù duì fù méi xī 。
Most national football teams apply the tactic of close marking to deal with Messi.

对话练习 Dialogue

Wong and Chen meet at the sport bar after work, and then Jewel joins them.

阿珠: 我快疯了!C罗一直没进球!
J: It drives me crazy. C. Ronaldo keeps not finishing any goal.

老王: 葡萄牙上一场被德国四比零,C罗完败於我的梅西啊!哈哈!
W: Portugal lost to German 0:4 at the last game. C. Ronaldo is totally yielded to my hero – Messi! LOL

阿珠(翻白眼): 梅西是好运!C罗膝盖有伤,他状态不好!
J(rolling her eyes): Messi was just good luck! C. Ronaldo's knee is injured and he’s not in the good state!

老王: 好啦!你们腐女都喜欢C罗,因为他是高富帅!但我们纯爷们儿可是欣赏球技。
W: Okay! Fujoshis are always the fan of C. Ronaldo, because he is “tall, rich, and good-looking”! However, real men care only about skills.

小陈: 又来了,梅西和C罗的球迷战争。美国已经进了两球,葡萄牙可能要打包回家了!上一场前锋佩佩还吃了红牌。
C: Here we go again -- the war between the fans of Messi and C. Ronaldo. Americans already scored two points and maybe Portugal is going to pack up and go home. The striker Pepe even received a red card at the last game.

阿珠: 葡萄牙的后防空虚,让美国队搭了顺风车。
J: Portugal left the defense exposed and gave the Americans a lift.

老王: 因为他们想全力进攻啊!
W: Because they want a full-attack!

小陈: 加上伤停补时,只剩下几分钟,看来真的大势已去。
C: There’s only left couple minutes plus the injury time. It seems that the die is cast.

阿珠: 我不敢看下去了!先去洗手间。
J: I couldn’t bare it anymore! I need to go to the bathroom.

After Jewel left, Portugal football player scores with a header. The whole bar is ferment.

阿珠: 发生了什麽事?
J: What’s wrong?

小陈: 葡萄牙因C罗的最后三十秒助攻进球了!
Chen: Portugal scores because of C. Ronaldo’s assist at last thirty seconds!

老王: 侥幸啦!梅西还是领先两球。
W: It was just luck! Messi is still two points advantage.

阿珠: 但他没有最后三十秒助攻啊!
J: But he didn’t assist at the last thirty seconds!

C: Could you both please stop comparing?!