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Home > Resources > 小阅读1-关于软件购买 / 小閱讀1-關於軟件購買

小阅读1-关于软件购买 / 小閱讀1-關於軟件購買, by Cevi

A. 生词表 | 生詞表 Vocabulary

1) 享受 | 享受(xiǎngshòu)= enjoy

2)由其自身 | 由其自身(yóu qí zì shēn)= by itself, herself, himself, themselves.

composed by 3 parts:
  • 由 | 由yóu = by
  • 其 | 其qí = it , her , him , them
  • 自身 | 自身zì shēn = own

3)捆绑销售(kǔnbǎng xiāoshòu)- bundle sell, attached to sth. to sell

composed by 2 parts:
  • 捆绑 | 捆綁 kǔnbǎng = tie up, truss up; bundle
  • 销售 | 銷售 xiāoshòu = to sell

B. 例句 Sample Sentences

1.1 作为VIP会员,您可以享受我们所有新产品的85折优惠。

zuòwéi VIP huìyuán, nín kěyǐ xiǎngshòu wǒmen suǒyǒu xīn chǎnpǐn de 85 zhé yōuhuì.

As a VIP member, you can enjoy the benefit of 15% discount on all our new products.

1.2  法国人很会享受人生。

fǎguórén hěn huì xiǎngshòu rénshēng。

French people are very capable of enjoying life.

2.  这种严重的后果是由于他们的疏忽造成的,并应该由其自身承担。

zhè zhǒng yánzhòng de hòuguǒ shì yóuyú tāmende shūhū zàochéng de , bìng yīnggāi yóu qí zì shēn chéngdān.

This severe consequence was caused due to their negligence, and should be undertaken by themselves.

3.1  他们把人质捆绑起来进行折磨。
tāmen bǎ rénzhì kǔnbǎng qǐlai jìnxíng zhémó。

They tied up the hostage to torture him。

3.2  捆绑销售

kǔnbǎng xiāoshòu yào yǒu míngquè de cèlüè

Bundle sales require clear strategy.

C. 阅读 | 閱讀 ReadingsReadings

软件购买前需知 | 軟件購買前須知
ruǎnjiàn gòumǎi qián xū zhī
The Must-Knows before buying the software:

1. 最小购买量为五份许可证,方可享受零售价格基础上的折扣。

zuì xiǎo gòumǎi liàng wèi wǔ fèn xǔkě zhèng, fāng kě xiǎngshòu língshòu jiàgé jīchǔ shàng de zhékòu.

The minimum purchase is 5 licences to get the discount based on the retail price.

2. 需要更多的许可证,可通过灵活的,随用随付费的模式进行购买。

xūyào gèngduō de xǔkě zhèng, kě tōngguò línghuó  de , suí yòng suí fù fèi  de móshì jìnxíng gòumǎi.

Further licences can be purchased as needed,through a flexible, pay-as-you-go model.

3 通过开放式许可证协议,一个软件的许可证可以由其自身购买软件保障可以被添加,或者软件保障可以盒装软件或预安装的许可证一起进行捆绑销售

tōngguò kāifàng shì xǔkězhèng xiéyì, yī gè ruǎnjiàn de xǔkě zhèng kěyǐ yóu qí zì shēn gòumǎi, ruǎnjiàn bǎozhàng kěyǐ bèi tiān jiā, huòzhě ruǎnjiàn bǎozhàng kěyǐ hé hézhuāng ruǎnjiàn huò yù ānzhuāng de xǔkězhèng yīqǐ jìnxíng kǔnbǎng xiāoshòu。

With an Open Licence agreement, a software licence can be bought by itself, Software Assurance can be added, or Software Assurance can be attached to boxed software or pre-installed licences。

D. 特殊结构 | 特殊結構 special structure

和...一起 | 和... 一起 hé... yīqǐ = With...together

wǒ xǐhuān hé péngyou yīqǐ qù jiǔbā, xiǎngshòu kuàilè de  shíguāng。

I like going to bars with friends together, and enjoying the happy times.