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阅读文章 垃圾車定律 lèsèchē dìnglǚ, by Profesora Can

A. 生词表 Vocabulary 

  1. 计程车/計程車 jì chéng chē: taxi
  2. 定律/定律 dìng lǚ: law
  3. 打算/打算 dă suàn: plan
  4. 机场/機場 jī chăng: airport
  5. 正当/正當 zhèng dāng: right at the moment
  6. 正确/正確 zhèng què: correct
  7. 车道/車道 chē dào: driveway
  8. 突然间/突然間 tú rán jiān: all of a sudden
  9. 一辆/一輛 yí liàng: quantifier for land vehicles
  10. 轿车/轎車 jiào chē: sedan
  11. 停车位/停車位 tíng chē wèi: parking space
  12. 挡在前面/擋在前面 dāng zài qián miàn: block in the front
  13. 司机/司機 sī jī: driver
  14. 立即/立即 lì jí: immediately
  15. 踩刹车/踩剎車  căi shā chē: step on the break (car break)
  16. 滑行/滑行 huá xíng: to slide
  17. 刚好/剛好 gāng hăo: just, exactly, to happen to
  18. 闪开/閃開 shăn kāi: get quickly out of the way
  19. 距离/距離 jù lí: distance
  20. 差/差 chāi: difference
  21. 驾驶/駕駛 jià shǐ: car driver
  22. 凶狠地/凶狠地 xiōng hěn di: maliciously, cruelly
  23. 甩头/ 甩頭  shuăi tóu: swing the head, turn the head around
  24. 朝着/朝著 cháo zhe: to face
  25. 大喊大叫/大喊大叫 dà hăn dà jiào: to shout out loud
  26. 微笑/微笑 wéi xiào: smile
  27. 家伙/ 傢伙 jiā huo: fellow, guy (bad way to say
  28. 挥挥手/揮揮手 huī huī shǒu: wave one’s hand
  29. 意思/意思 yì si: meaning, indication, enjoyment
  30. 表现得/表現得 biăo xiàn de: to behave, represent, to show an expression
  31. 友善/友善 yǒu shàn: friendly, kindly,amicable
  32. 刚才/剛才 gāng cái: just now, a moment ago
  33. 差点毁了/差點毀了 chà diăn huǐ le: nearly distroyed, almost totally ruined
  34. 可能/可能 kě néng: maybe, possible
  35. 害我们/害我們 hāi wǒ mén: damage us
  36. 受伤/受傷 shòu shāng: injured, hurted
  37. 送医院/送醫院 sòng yī yuàn: send to hospital
  38. 称呼/稱呼 chēng hū: a title, to name
  39. 解释/解釋 jiě shì: explain, comment, to define
  40. 到处跑/到處跑  dào chù păo: running aound everywhere
  41. 身上/身上 shēn shàng: personally
  42. 充满/充滿 chōng măn: to fill with, to be instinct with
  43. 垃圾/垃圾 lè sè trash: garbage.
  44. 沮丧/沮喪 jŭ sàng: depressed, dejected
  45. 愤怒/憤怒 fèn nù: anger, indignation, to fume
  46. 失望/失望 shī wàng: disappointement, let down, frustration, to lose hope
  47. 随着/隨著 suí zhe: to follow, to adapt to, to comply to
  48. 堆积/堆積 duī jī: to pile up, to collect, to bank up
  49. 终需/終需 zhōng xū: at the end will need
  50. 刚好碰上/剛好碰上 gāng hăo pèng shàng: happened to run into
  51. 介意/介意 jiè yì: to mind, care to take offense
  52. 收获/收獲 shōu huò: benefit, to harvest
  53. 种子/種子 zhǒng zǐ: seed
  54. 祝福/祝福 zhù fú: to bless
  55. 然后/然後 rán hòu: after then
  56. 继续/繼續 jì xù: to continue
  57. 自己/自己 zì jǐ: oneself
  58. 千万别/千萬別 qiān wàn: bié never ever
  59. 扩散/擴散 kuò sàn: spread out
  60. 同事/同事 tóng shì: colleague, an associate
  61. 家人/家人 jiā rén: family
  62. 路人/路人 lù rén: people on the street
  63. 底线/底線 dǐ xiàn: bottom line
  64. 绝对/絕對 jué duì: absolutely
  65. 接管/接管 jiē guăn: take over
  66. 人生苦短/人數苦短 rén shēng kŭ duăn: life is short
  67. 带着/帶著 dài zhe: carrying, bring
  68. 遗憾/遺憾 yí hàn: regret
  69. 仁爱/仁愛 rén ài: benevelent, kindheartedness
  70. 对待/對待 duì dài: treatment
  71. 以礼相待/以禮相待  yǐ lǐ xiāng dài: to treat someone with due respect, to offer civilities
  72. 理会 .理會 lǐ huì: to comprehend, to pay attention
  73. 无理取閙/無理取鬧 wú lǐ qŭ nào: making trouble disrespectfully
  74. 决定/決定 jué dìng: decision, to determine
  75. 利用/利用 lì yòng: to utilize,to take advantage of
  76. 奇妙的/奇妙的 qí miào de: wanderful, intriguing
  77. 裁植/栽植 zāi zhí: to plant and cultivate, to grow

B. 圾车定律/垃圾車定律 (lèsèchē dìnglǚ) The Law of the Garbage Truck

  • 有一天,我跳上一辆计程车,打算到机场。正当我们开上正确的车道时,突然间一辆黑色轿车从停车位开出,正好挡在我们前面。我的计程车司机立即踩刹车,车子滑行了一小段路,刚好闪开来车,两车之间的距离就只差个几英吋!另一辆车的驾驶凶狠地甩头,并且朝着我们大喊大叫。
  • 有一天,我跳上一輛計程車,打算到機場。正當我們開上正確的車道時,突然間一輛黑色轎車從停車位開出,正好擋在我們前面。我的計程車司機立即踩剎車,車子滑行了一小段路,剛好閃開來車,兩車之間的距離就隻差個幾英吋!另一輛車的駕駛凶狠地甩頭,並且朝著我們大喊大叫
  • yǒu yì tiān wǒ tiào shàng yí liàng jì chéng chē,   dă suàn dào jī chăng. zhèng dāng wǒ men kāi shàng zhèng què de chē dào shí ,tú rán jiān yí liàng hēi sè jiào chē cóng tíng chē wèi kāi chū ,zhèng hăo dăng zài wǒ men qián miàn .wǒ de jì chéng chē sī jī lì kè căi shā chē chē zi huá xíng le yì xiăo duàn lù ,gāng hăo shăn kāi lái chē ,liăng chē zhī jiān de jù lí jiù zhǐ chāi ge jǐ yīng cùn !lìng yí liàng chē de jià shǐ xiōng hěn di shuăi tóu, bìng qiě cháo zhe wǒ men dà hăn dà jiào . 
  • One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.


  • 我的计程车司机只是微笑,对那家伙挥挥手。我的意思是说,他表现得很友善。於是我问:「你刚才为什麽那麽做?那家伙差点毁了你的车,还可能害我们受伤送医院!」这是当时我的计程车司机告诉我的话,现在我就称呼它为「垃圾车定律」。
  • 我的計程車司機只是微笑,對那傢伙揮揮手。我的意思是說,他表現得很友善。於是我問:「你剛才為什麼那麼做?那傢伙差點毀了你的車,還可能害我們受傷送醫院!」這是當時我的計程車司機告訴我的話,現在我就稱呼它為「垃圾車定律」。
  • wǒ de jì chéng chē sī jī zhǐ shì wéi xiào yào ,duì nà jiā huo huī huī shǒu .wǒ de yì si shì shuō tā biăo xiàn de hěn yǒu shàn . yú shì wǒ wèn:「nǐ gāng cái wèi shén me nà me zuò ? nà jiā huo chà diăn huǐ le nǐ de chē ,hái kě néng hài wǒ men shòu shāng sòng yī yuàn !」zhè shì dāng shí wǒ de jì chéng chē sī jī gào sù wǒ de huà ,xiàn zài wǒ jiù chēng hū tā wéi 「lè sè chē dìng lǚ 」。 
  • My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly. So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!” This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'


  • 他解释说:许多人就像垃圾车。他们到处跑来跑去,身上充满了垃圾、充满了沮丧、充满了愤怒、和充满了失望。随着垃圾堆积,他们终需找个地方倾倒;有时候,我们刚好碰上了,垃圾就往我们身上丢,所以,不要介意,只要微笑、挥挥手、祝福他们,然后继续走我们自己的路就行;千万别将他们的垃圾扩散给同事、家人、或其他路人。这儿的底线是:成功的人绝对不让垃圾车接管自己生活当中的任何一天;人生苦短,早上醒来绝对不要带着遗憾。所以....仁爱对待与你以礼相待的人;不用去理会那群无理取閙者。生命只有10%由自己决定,但90%看你如何利用它! 
  • 他解釋說:許多人就像垃圾車。他們到處跑來跑去,身上充滿了垃圾、充滿了沮喪、充滿了憤怒、和充滿了失望。隨著垃圾堆積,他們終需找個地方傾倒﹔有時候,我們剛好碰上了,垃圾就往我們身上丟,所以,不要介意,只要微笑、揮揮手、祝福他們,然後繼續走我們自己的路就行﹔千萬別將他們的垃圾擴散給同事、家人、或其他路人。這兒的底線是:成功的人絕對不讓垃圾車接管自己生活當中的任何一天﹔人生苦短,早上醒來絕對不要帶著遺憾。所以....仁愛對待與你以禮相待的人﹔不用去理會那群無理取閙者。生命只有10%由自己決定,但90%看你如何利用它!
  • tā jiěshì shuō xǔduō rén jiǔxiàng lājī chē tāmen dàochù pǎo lái pǎo qù shēnshàng chōngmǎn  le lājī , chōngmǎn  le jǔ   sàng ,chōngmǎn  le fènnù  hé chōngmǎn   le shīwàng , suízhe lājī duījī , tāmen zhōng xū zhǎo gè dìfāng qīngdǎo,  yǒu shí hòu wǒmen gānghǎo pèng shàng  le , lājī jiù wǎng wǒmen shēnshàng diū.  suǒyǐ búyào jiè yì , zhǐyào wēixiào huī huī shǒu , zhùfú tāmen, ránhòu jìxù zǒu wǒmen zìjǐ  de lù jiù xíng  háng , qiānwàn bié   jiāng   tāmen de lājī kuò sàn gěi   tóng shì, jiā rén huò qí tā lù rén, zhèr de dǐxiàn shì chénggōng  de rén juéduì bú ràng lājī chē jiē guǎn zìjǐ shēnghuó , dāng  zhōng  de rèn hé yī tiān.  rénshēng kǔ duǎn , zǎoshang xǐng lái juéduì búyào dài   zhe yí hàn , suǒ yǐ rén'ài duìdài yǔ nǐ yǐ lǐ   xiāng dài   de rén ,búyòng qù lǐ huì nà qún wú lǐ qǔ zhě shēngmìng , zhǐ yǒu yóu zìjǐ jué dìng dàn kàn nǐ rú hé lì yòng tā.
  • He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So....Love the people who treat you right. Ignore the ones who don't. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!

  • 过一个奇妙的、没有垃圾的日子吧!你今天所栽植的种子,会决定你明天的收获。
  • 過一個奇妙的、沒有垃圾的日子吧!你今天所栽植的種子,會決定你明天的收獲。
  • guò yī gè qímiào  de,  méiyǒu lājī   de rìzi ba!   nǐ jīntiān suǒ zāi zhí  de zhǒngzi huì   juédìng nǐ míngtiān  de shōuhuò
  • Have a marvelous, garbage-free day! The seeds you plant today, will determine the harvest you reap tomorrow.