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Home > Resources > 中国新年的吉祥话 / 中國新年的吉祥話 / CNY good wishes

中国新年的吉祥话 / 中國新年的吉祥話 / CNY good wishes, by Sophie

A. 生詞表 Vocabulary

1)吉祥 / 吉祥
       jíxiáng - lucky ; propitious    
2)大发利市 / 大發利市
       dà fā lì shì - to develop business greatly, to have a very profitable business
3)扭转 / 扭轉
       niǔ​zhuǎn​ - to reverse
4)乾坤 / 乾坤
      qián​kūn​ - heaven and earth
5)扭转乾坤 / 扭轉乾坤 /  / niǔzhuǎn qiánkūn
       to reverse from bad to good, to turn things around

B. 閱讀文章 Reading Exercise


今天就讓我們來學學新年的吉祥話,為親朋好友在新的一 年帶來好運 。

jīntiān jiù ràng wǒmén lái xué xué xīnnián de jíxiáng huà , wèi qīnpénghǎoyǒu zài xīn de yī nián dàilái hǎoyùn。

Today, let us learn some good wishes one says during Chinese New Year, and bring good lucks for families and good friends in the near year!


如果您希望親友在金錢方面有所收獲 ,可以說「恭喜發財 」 。

rúguǒ nín xīwàng qīnyǒu zài jīnqián fāngmiàn yǒu suǒ shōuhuò , kěyǐ shuō "gōng xǐ  fā cái"  。 

If you want your families and friends to harvest financially, you can say " gōng xǐ fā cái"


如果希望對方新的一年都很順利 ,可以說「萬事如意」、「心想事成 」。

rúguǒ xīwàng duìfāng xīn de yī nián dōu hěn shùnlì , kěyǐ shuō wàn shì rúyì 、xīn xiǎng shì chéng 。

If you want to wish the other person a very smooth year, you can say "wàn shì rú yì " or "xīn xiǎng shì chéng "


如果希望在官場或職場獲得升遷 ,則可說 「步 步 高 升 」。

rúguǒ xīwàng zài guān chǎng huò zhí chǎng huòdé shēngqiān , zé kě shuō bù bù gāo shēng 。

If one wishes to be promoted in their job, then you can say "bù bù gāo shēng" 


如果對方是學生,則可說「 學業 進步 」。

rúguǒ duìfāng shì xuéshēng , zé kě shuō xuéyè jìnbù 。

If the other person is a student, then you can say "xué yè jìn bù "


對做生意的親友可說 「 大 發 利 市 」 。

duì zuòshēngyì de qīnyǒu kě shuō dà fā lì shì 。

For families and friends with business, it's "dà fā lì shì" 


如果有親友在去年不如 意,今年可祝他「 扭轉 乾 坤 」 。

rúguǒ yǒu qīnyǒu zài qùnián bùrú yì , jīnnián kě zhù tā niǔzhuǎn qián​ kūn 。

If you have families or friends who had a bad year last year, then you can wish him "niǔ zhuǎn qián​ kūn"


如果不小心打破東西,可以說「碎碎平安」,音同「歲歲平安 」 。

rúguǒ bù xiǎoxīn dǎpò dōngxi , kěyǐ shuō suì suì píngān , yīn tóng suì suì píngān 。

If you break things accidentally, say " suì suì píng ān "(the characters "碎碎 suì suì" means broken, "píng ān" means "safe"), which has the same sounds as "suì suì píng ān "( but here, the character "岁岁suì suì" means "every year", "year after year")



nín zhīdào gēnjù zhōngguó de nóng lì , jīnnián de zhōngguó xīnnián shì shéme shíhòu mā ?

Do you know according to the Chinese lunar calendar, when is the Chinese New Year this year?

答对了! 就是从二月三日到二月十七日的元宵节结束。赶快想想,今年要对自己的中国朋友们说哪些吉祥话吧!

答對了! 就是從二月三日到二月十七日的元宵節結束。趕快想想 ,今年要對自己的中國朋友們說哪些吉祥話吧!

dá duìle! jiùshì cóng èr yuè sān rì dào èr yuè shí qī rì de yuánxiāojié jiéshù 。 gǎnkuài xiǎng xiǎng , jīnnián yào duì zìjǐ de zhōngguó péngyǒu men shuō nǎxiē jíxiáng huà  ba!

That's right! It is from the 3rd February until 17th February, when the Lantern festival has been held. Hurry and think, what good wishes will you say to your Chinese friends this year!

C. 課後作業及其他留言 Homework & Other Messages

Practice makes perfect. Try the link below to play a little game. Listen carefully and match the same cards you hear:

Chinese New Year is around the corner and I wish all of your Chinese continiously improves in 2011.

If you are interested in learning more customs and greetings used in the Chinese New Year, leave a comments here or take a lesson with me, I will prepare some more suitable teaching materials just for you!