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到医院看朋友 | 到醫院看朋友 , by Sheila

生词表 | 生詞表 Vocabulary 

1)车祸 | 車禍 chēhu = Car accident
2)受伤 | 受傷 shòushāng = injured
3)伤势 | 傷勢 shāng shì = The condition of an injury
4)严不严重 | 嚴不嚴重 yán bù yánzhòng = Is it serious?
5)探望 | 探望 tàn wàng = To visit
6)轻伤 | 輕傷 qīng shāng = minor injury
7)打点滴 | 打點滴 dǎ diǎn dī = put on a drip
8)开刀 | 開刀 kāidāo = to operate (surgically) on
9)手术房 | 手術房 shǒushù fáng = operating room
10)病人 | 病人 bìngrén = patient
11)医生 | 醫生 yīshēng = doctor
12)医院 | 醫院 yīyuàn = hospital
13)护士 | 護士 hùshi = nurse
14)救护车 | 救護車 jiùhù chē = ambulance
15)打针 | 打針 dǎzhēn = an injection
16)药 | 藥 yào = medicine
17)护理站 | 護理站 hùlǐ zhàn = nursing station

例句 Sample Sentences

例句1 / Sentence 1

wǒ qù yīyuàn tàn wàng gāng kāi wán de yī gè péngyou。
I went to the hospital to visit a friend who just went through an operation.

例句2 / Sentence 2

xiǎohái zǐ duì dǎzhēn zhè jiàn shì dōu fēicháng hàipà。
Kids are usually very scared when it comes to injections.

例句3 / Sentence 3

zhè jiā yīyuàn de yīshēng hùshi dōu fēicháng yǒu nàixīn。
This hospital's doctors and nurses are all very patient.

例句4 / Sentence 4

tā chū le yī chǎng xiǎochē huò,shòu le yīdiǎn qīng shāng。
He had a small car accident, and suffers a minor injury.

例句5 / Sentence 5

bìngrén zài jìn shǒushù fáng qián bìxū xiān jìn shí 8 gè xiǎoshí。
Before going to a opertion room, the patient must fast (no eating or drinking) for 8 hours.

例句6 / Sentence 6

máfan nǐ gàosu wǒ tāde shāng shì yán bù yánzhòng?
Can you please tell me is his condition (of injury) is serious or not?

对话练习 | 對話練習 Dialogue

(在护理站 | 在護理站 zài hùlǐ zhàn = at the nursing station)

A. 护士,请问病人『李小明』住在哪一间病房?
     hùshi,qǐngwèn bìngrén 『lǐ xiǎo míng』 zhùzài nǎ yī jiān bìngfáng?
     Nurse, could I ask which room is patient 『lǐ xiǎo míng』staying in?

B. 你等一下,我看看。
     nǐ děng yīxià,wǒ kàn kàn。
     Please wait, let me take a look.

B. 『李小明』,病房号码218。不过,他还在手术房里,还没出来。
    『lǐ xiǎo míng』,bìngfáng hàomǎ 218,búguò tā hái zài shǒushù fáng lǐ,hái méi chūlái。
     『lǐ xiǎo míng』,room number 218. He is still in the operating room, he is not out yet.

A. 他不是早上8点就进手术房了吗?都过了9个小时了。是不是出了什么状况?
     tā búshì zǎoshang 8 diǎn jiù jìn shǒushù fáng le ma? dōu guò le 9 gè xiǎoshí le。shìbúshì chū le shénme zhuàngkuàng?
    Didn't he go into the operating room at 8 o'clock this morning? It's been 9 hours. Is there a situation?

B. 对不起,詳細的情况要等到医生出来以后才能知道。
     duìbuqǐ,xiángxì de qíngkuàng yào děng dào yīshēng chūlái yǐhòu cáinéng zhīdào。
     I am sorry, the details will only be available after the doctor comes out. 

A. 请问只有一个『李小明』在这家医院吗?
     qǐngwèn zhǐyǒu yī gè 『lǐ xiǎo míng』 zài zhè jiā yīyuàn ma?
     Could I ask if there is only 1 『lǐ xiǎo míng』in this hospital?

B. 是的。
     shì de。

A. 那好吧,我晚上再来探望他。
     nà hǎoba,wǒ wǎnshàng zài lái tàn wàng tā。
     Alright then, I will come again to visit him in the evening.