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Home > Resources > 清明节 / 清明節 / ChingMing Festival

清明节 / 清明節 / ChingMing Festival, by Hweeling

A) 生词表 Vocabulary 

1. 祭祀 (jìsì) - worship
2. 扫墓 / 掃墓  (sǎomù) - to clean up a grave as to pay respects to a dead person; also called Tomb- sweeping Day. 
3. 携带 / 攜帶 (xiédài) - take along
4. 供祭 (gōngjì) - for offering a sacrifice
5. 焚化 (fénhuà) - Incinerate
6. 培 (péi) - to cultivate
7. 折 (zhé) - to fold
8. 嫩 (nèn) -  soft, delicate, use for young plantation
9. 叩头 / 叩頭 (kòutóu) - to bow as praying for someone
10. 插 (chā) - to insert
11. 讲究 / 講究 (jiǎngjiù) - to stress on, focus on
12. 体育 / 體育 (tǐyù) - sports 
13. 打马球 / 打馬球 (dǎ mǎqiú) - playing polo
14. 春光明媚 (chūnguāng míngmèi) - glorious Spring
15. 蹴鞠 (cùjū) - kickball
16. 寒食 (hánshí) - cold food
17. 欢笑 / 歡笑 (huānxiào) - laughter 

B) 阅读文章 Reading Exercise

qīngmíng jié shì zhōngguó chuántǒng jiérì,yěshì zuì zhòngyào de jìsì jiérì, shì jìzǔ hé sǎomù de rìzi。

ànzhào jiùde xísú,sǎomù shí,rénmen yào xiédài jiǔshí guǒpǐn、zhǐqián děng wùpǐn dào mùdì,jiāng shíwù gōngjì zài qīnrén mùqián,zài jiāng zhǐqián fénhuà,wèi fénmù péishàng xīn tǔ,zhé jǐzhī nènlǜ de xīnzhī chāzài fénshàng,ránhòu kòutóu xínglǐ jìbài,zuìhòu chīdiào jiǔshí huíjiā。

qīngmíngjié de xísú shì fēngfù yǒuqù de,chúle jiǎngjiù jìnhuǒ、 sǎomù,háiyǒu tàqīng、dàngqiūqiān、cùjū、dǎmǎqiú、chāliǔ děng yīxìliè fēngsú tǐyù huódòng。qīngmíngjié tàqīng,shì zài měinián yánglì de 4 yuè 4 rì zhì 6 rì zhījiān,zhèngshì chūnguāng míngmèi cǎomù tǔlǜ de shíjié, yě zhèngshì rénmen chūnyóu(gǔdài jiào tàqīng)de hǎo shí hòu.

Xiāngchuán yóuyú qīngmíng jié yào hánshí jìn huǒ, wèile fángzhǐ hánshí lěngcān shāngshēn, suǒyǐ dàjiā lái cānjiā yīxiē tǐyù huódòng, yǐ duànliàn shēntǐ. yīncǐ, zhège jiérì zhōng jì yǒu jìsǎo xīnfén shēngbiésǐlí de bēisuānlèi, yòu yǒu tàqīng yóuwán de huānxiào shēng, shì yīgè fùyǒu tèsè de jiérì.

C) English Translation

Ching Ming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, the most important festival of sacrifice, is the day of worship and grave.

According to the old customs, during the Tomb-sweeping day, people bring food, drinks and fruits, paper money and other items to the cemetery, and then pray with those items and burning paper money for cultivating a new soil on the grave, folding a few of the new green sticks inserted in the grave, and bow as a worship, then finally eat the food they used to pray and go home.

Ching Ming Festival is a rich and interesting customs, in addition to the focus to the fire ban, cleaning the grave, also have a series of custom sports activities such as hiking, swinging, kickball, playing polo and inserting the new sticks. Ching Ming Festival outing, is the solar calendar each year between 4th to 6th April. During the beautiful spring which is the season of vegetation, it is also a good time for outing.

According to legend, during the festival must eat cold food and ban on fire. In order to prevent cold food buffet harm to body, thus everyone come to participate in some sports activities  to exercise. Therefore, in the festival having both the sweeping new grave  with bitter tears, also have the laughter of playing in outing, is a distinctive day.

D) 特殊文法说明 Grammar Points

既...又... (both...and/ as well as)

这个节日中有祭扫新坟生别死离的悲酸泪,有踏青游玩 的欢笑声,是一个富有特色的节日。
