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Home > Resources > 一起看世界杯吧!Let's World Cup!

一起看世界杯吧!Let's World Cup!, by Christina

  • 小王和小陈是大学同学,毕业后两人的公司在同个区域,午餐时间时常在路上巧遇。
  • xiǎo wáng hé xiǎo chén shì dà xué tóng xué ,bì yè hòu liǎng rén de gōng sī zài tóng gè qū yù ,wǔ cān shí jiān shí cháng zài lù shàng qiǎo yù 。
  • Wong and Chen were classmates in the university. After graduation, their offices are in the same area so they met each other from time to time.

  1. daxue university
  2. tongxue classmates
  3. biye graduation
  4. quyu area
  5. shangban work
  6. wucan lunch
  7. shijian time
  8. changchang many times
  9. qiaoyu meet coincidence
  • 小王: 小陈,好久不见了!最近好吗?
  • xiǎo chén ,hǎo jiǔ bù jiàn le !zuì jìn hǎo ma ?
  • Wong: Chen, long time no see! How are you recently?

  • 小陈: 还可以!你呢? 工作顺利吗?
  • hái kě yǐ !nǐ ne ? gōng zuò shùn lì ma ?
  • Chen: Just hanging there, you? How’s work?

  • 小王: 普普通通吧!老样子,最近忙吗?下班后有没有活动啊?
  • pǔ pǔ tōng tōng ba !lǎo yàng zǐ ,zuì jìn máng ma ?xià bān hòu yǒu méi yǒu huó dòng ā ?
  • Wong: Nothing special! Just like old time. Are you busy lately? Do you have any activity after work?

  1. Mang busy
  2. xiaban after work
  3. hou after
  4. youmeiyou do you have
  5. huodong activitiy
  • 小陈: 本来要去接我女友下班,但她说今天得加班,要我十点再去接她!
  • běn lái yào qù jiē wǒ nǚ yǒu xià bān ,dàn tā shuō jīn tiān dé jiā bān ,yào wǒ shí diǎn zài qù jiē tā !
  • Chen: I was planning to take my girlfriend after work, but she said she needs to work late today and asked me to take her at ten.

  1. Benlai original
  2. jie take someone
  3. nvyou girlfriend
  4. shuo say
  5. jintian today
  6. dei need to
  7. jiaban work over time
  8. zai again
  • 小王: 那好,我们去喝啤酒,顺便看世足赛吧!
  • nà hǎo ,wǒ men qù hē pí jiǔ ,shùn biàn kàn shizu sài ba !
  • Wong: That will be great! Let’s go have a bear and watch the broadcast of World Cup!
  1. women we
  2. pijui beer
  3. he drink
  4. shuebian by the way , in passing
  5. qiousai ball games in general
  6. shizu sai WorldCup
  7. kan watch
  • 小陈: 好啊!好啊!我最近特别早起看呢! 好精彩呀!
  • hǎo ā !hǎo ā !wǒ zuì jìn tè bié zǎo qǐ kàn ne ! hǎo jīng cǎi ya !
  • Chen: Okay! I get up early recently in order to watch the show! It was amazing!

  1. hao a! Okay
  2. tebie especially
  3. zaoqi get up early
  4. kan qiou watch the game
  5. jingcai amazing(in good way)
  • 小王: 很多强队出局了!世事难料,那就这么说定啦!六点半在你公司楼下见!
  • hěn duō qiáng duì chū jú le !shì shì nán liào ,nà jiù zhè me shuō dìng lā !liù diǎn bàn zài nǐ gōng sī lóu xià jiàn !
  • Wong: Many great teams were out. It’s unpredictable. Yes, it’s a deal! Meet you at 6:30 downstairs at your office.

  1. qiangdui top team
  2. chuju be eliminated
  3. shishinanliao unpredictable
  4. din make a deal
  5. louxia downstairs