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Daphné (46)

Has been teaching on since 28-Jan-2011
Has been recommended by 1 student
My Introduction
Let's sharpen your Chinese skills in fun and effective ways! I have 7-year teaching experience with students from beginner to advanced, lived in England, France and Holland for over 1 year and Thailand for 2 years, and traveled over 20 countries. I have strong multicultural and cross-domain communication skills as worked 3 years for a global American company, and co-worked daily with Japaneses and Europeans for 5 years. My goal now is to help you to use Chinese better and more in your life. So, tell me what you want to learn about Chinese and let's do it! 你好!我是懿德(yi4de2)。我從事華語教學工作有七年了,學生從初級、中級到高級都有。我曾旅居英國、法國、荷蘭及泰國,前後共三年;也曾旅行世界各地超過二十個國家;另有三年任職外商公司及五年服務日本、歐洲客戶的工作經驗。由於這些生活及工作經驗,我熟悉不同文化,也熟稔於跨領域、跨文化、跨語言的溝通。我可以讓你的中文用得更多、用得更好。告訴我你想學什麼,我們現在就開始吧! Bonjour, commencez à apprendre ou à améliorer votre chinois d'une manière amusante et efficace. Je vous invite à prendre rendez-vous dès maintenant!
Listen to my introduction    
More Information about me
I live in Taiwan (Taipei timezone)
I can teach in Chinese, English
I speak English (Advanced), French (Intermediate), Thai (Beginner)
My availabilities: 4pm to 8pm on Wednesdays Whole day at weekends
My teaching experience: 1 - 3 years
I have the following book(s): Practical Audio-Visual Chinese, 2nd Edition (5), Far East Everyday Chinese (Book2), Practical Business Conversations I, Practical Business Conversations II, Far East Everyday Chinese (Book1), Practical Audio-Visual Chinese, 2nd Edition (1-2), Practical Audio-Visual Chinese, 2nd Edition (3-4)
My additional certificate(s): Completion of 96-hour Program in Teaching Chinese by National Chengchi University (Taiwan) Completion of 40-hour Program in Teaching Chinese by International Cooperation & Development Fund (Taiwan)
I worked in the following industry: Education, IT/Telecommunication, Trading Business,  Marketing, Project Management, Industrial Computer, Measurement & Automation, Semiconductor, LCD, ODM
I have job experience in: Teacher/Academic, Marketing/Advertising,  Project Management
I am interested in: Outdoor Sport, Film/Books, Food and Wine, Travel,  Cooking, Non-mainstream culture/books/movies/music
My Blog Posts on
  1. 聲調練習 Tone Exercise (Beginner Level) - posted on 08-May-2011 (Listen to Audio)
  2. 商務對話-談手機 (1) (Intermediate Level) - posted on 16-Apr-2011 (Listen to Audio)
  3. 包水餃/包水饺/Let's Wrap Dumplings (Intermediate Level) - posted on 20-Feb-2011
Feedback from my students
" 謝謝Daphnée。今天的課程很有用再開始練習我的中文!下次上課見! "
From Nicolas, on 02-Oct-2011
" J'ai eu l'opportunite de faire un echange linguistique Francais/中文 a Taiwan avec Daphnee et je peux temoigner de son ouverture d'esprit et sa capacite a rendre ludique et directement operationnel l'apprentissage du madarin ! "
From Erwan, on 18-Mar-2011
Daphné, 46, in Taiwan Reviewed by 29 students on . Daphné, 46, in Taiwan, recommended by 1 student, teaches in Chinese, English Let's sharpen your Chinese skills in fun and effective ways! I have 7-year teaching experience with students from beginner to advanced, lived in England, France and Holland for over 1 year and Thailand for 2 years, and traveled over 20 countries. I have strong multicultural and cross-domain communication skills as worked 3 years for a global American company, and co-worked daily with Japaneses and Europeans for 5 years. My goal now is to help you to use Chinese better and more in your life. So, tell me what you want to learn about Chinese and let's do it! 你好!我是懿德(yi4de2)。我從事華語教學工作有七年了,學生從初級、中級到高級都有。我曾旅居英國、法國、荷蘭及泰國,前後共三年;也曾旅行世界各地超過二十個國家;另有三年任職外商公司及五年服務日本、歐洲客戶的工作經驗。由於這些生活及工作經驗,我熟悉不同文化,也熟稔於跨領域、跨文化、跨語言的溝通。我可以讓你的中文用得更多、用得更好。告訴我你想學什麼,我們現在就開始吧! Bonjour, commencez à apprendre ou à améliorer votre chinois d'une manière amusante et efficace. Je vous invite à prendre rendez-vous dès maintenant! Rating: 5.0