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Carmen (22)

Has been teaching on since 01-Jun-2010
Has been recommended by 1 student
My Introduction
您好,我是崔晓。我的母语是汉语,而且普通话发音很标准。曾在纽约长岛中华协会教汉语。很高兴可以帮助您练习汉语口语和了解中国文化。我现在在中国一个美丽的城市--珠海,做对外贸易工作。希望我们能早日成为朋友! Hi, I'm a native Chinese speaker with standard mandarin. I was a Chinese teacher in NewYork Chinese Center on Long Island (CCLI). I'm so glad to help you to practice your oral Chinese, and to learn Chinese culture! !
Listen to my introduction    
More Information about me
I live in China (China timezone)
I can teach in Chinese, English
I speak English (Advanced), Japanese (Intermediate)
My availabilities: new teaching schedule: Monday to Friday: 18:30-22:00am. Sat.&Sun.:8:00am.-22:00pm. (China time) happy halloween!!
My teaching experience: Less than 1 year
I have the following book(s): Modern Chinese Intermediate Course, Modern Chinese Beginner's Course, (New)Hanyu Jiaocheng, Chinese Course 3
My additional certificate(s): National Mandarin Certificate level 1
I worked in the following industry: Tourism and Hospitality, Education,  HSK, Oral practice, Writing, Grammar,Idioms
I have job experience in: Teacher/Academic,  English Education
I am interested in: Outdoor Sport, Socialising, Travel, Indoor Sport, Film/Books, Food and Wine,  Chinese calligraphy
Feedback from my student
" Thank you Carmen - this was a good lesson. If you have some ideas for business sentences for our next lesson, please send them to me as a study material so that we can use it for our next lesson. 谢谢! "
From Nicolas, on 23-Jun-2010
Carmen, 22, in China Reviewed by 13 students on . Carmen, 22, in China, recommended by 1 student, teaches in Chinese, English 您好,我是崔晓。我的母语是汉语,而且普通话发音很标准。曾在纽约长岛中华协会教汉语。很高兴可以帮助您练习汉语口语和了解中国文化。我现在在中国一个美丽的城市--珠海,做对外贸易工作。希望我们能早日成为朋友! Hi, I'm a native Chinese speaker with standard mandarin. I was a Chinese teacher in NewYork Chinese Center on Long Island (CCLI). I'm so glad to help you to practice your oral Chinese, and to learn Chinese culture! ! Rating: 5.0