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Dan (43)

Has been teaching on since 01-Aug-2010
Has been recommended by 3 different students
My Introduction
大家好, 很荣幸教大家学汉语,我是一名有几年教学经验的对外汉语教师,普通话标准,热爱对外汉语教学工作。无论您来自哪个国家;无论您的肤色怎样;无论您的年龄大小;无论您性别如何…… 只要您喜欢学习汉语,只要您对中国文化感兴趣,请您告诉我,我一定会帮助您不断提高汉语水平。 Hello everyone! I am really honored to have the opportunity to teach you Chinese. I have been a Chinese teacher for several years. I speak mandarine very well and love my job very much. No matter wherever you are, what color your skin is, your age and sex, if you really love learning Chinese language and are interested in Chinese culture, don’t hesitate to contact me , please . I am sure your Chinese will become better and better with my help!
Listen to my introduction    
More Information about me
I live in USA (Central Time, Chicago timezone)
I can teach in Chinese, English
I speak English (Advanced)
My availabilities: I am usually available from Monday to Friday from 6am until 5pm, then from 8:30pm to 11:30pm and saturday and sunday from 8:30pm to 11:30pm .
My teaching experience: Less than 1 year
I have the following book(s): Conversational Chinese 301 Vol.1, Modern Chinese Beginner's Course, Bridge: A Practical Course in Intermediate Chinese, Chinese Made Easy 4,5, Bridge - A Practical Course in Beginner Chinese, Chinese Made Easy 1, 2, 3, Conversational Chinese 301 Vol.2
I worked in the following industry: Education
I have job experience in: Teacher/Academic
I am interested in: Outdoor Sport, Travel
My Blog Posts on
  1. 好的开始是成功的一半 / 好的開始是成功的一半 (Intermediate Level) - posted on 19-Jun-2011
  2. 日期 / 日期 / the days of the week (First Timer Level) - posted on 22-May-2011
  3. 中国颜色 / 中國顏色 / Color meanings in China (Advanced Level) - posted on 29-Jan-2011
  4. 中国的中学教室 / 中國的中學教室 (Intermediate Level) - posted on 09-Oct-2010
Feedback from my students
" Thank you very much. This was a very helpful lesson. You have given me several new things to practice with my daughter. "
From Paul, on 04-May-2011
" Dan is a friendly, passionate teacher who is always ready for teaching. I wholeheartedly recommend him, for he provides useful Chinese vocabulary and grammar and offers interesting anecdotes on the side. "
From Darren Kouwenhoven, on 21-Jan-2011
" Thanks for another good lesson Dan. I appreciate the lesson material. I always learn something concrete and useful. Have a great weekend! Aaron "
From Aaron, on 04-Sep-2010
Dan, 43, in USA Reviewed by 300 students on . Dan, 43, in USA, recommended by 3 students, teaches in Chinese, English 大家好, 很荣幸教大家学汉语,我是一名有几年教学经验的对外汉语教师,普通话标准,热爱对外汉语教学工作。无论您来自哪个国家;无论您的肤色怎样;无论您的年龄大小;无论您性别如何…… 只要您喜欢学习汉语,只要您对中国文化感兴趣,请您告诉我,我一定会帮助您不断提高汉语水平。 Hello everyone! I am really honored to have the opportunity to teach you Chinese. I have been a Chinese teacher for several years. I speak mandarine very well and love my job very much. No matter wherever you are, what color your skin is, your age and sex, if you really love learning Chinese language and are interested in Chinese culture, don’t hesitate to contact me , please . I am sure your Chinese will become better and better with my help! Rating: 5.0