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Eloy (36)

Has been teaching on since 03-Apr-2009
Has been recommended by 1 student
My Introduction
こんにちは! 私は鄭といいます。 8年以上中国語教師歴を持ってます。 今、台湾で有名な中国語センターに教師をしてます。 一緒に楽しく中国語を学びましょう! Hi! My name is Eloy. I teach Chinese at Taipei Chinese Centre now. Let's study Chinese!
More Information about me
I live in Taiwan (Taipei timezone)
I can teach in Chinese, Japanese, English
I speak English (Intermediate), Japanese (Advanced)
My teaching experience: More than 5 years
I have the following book(s): Far East Everyday Chinese (Book1), Practical Business Conversations I, Practical Audio-Visual Chinese Vol. 1,2, Far East Everyday Chinese (Book2), Practical Business Conversations II, Far East Everyday Chinese (Book3)
I worked in the following industry: Finance/Banking, Education
I have job experience in: IT/Engineer, HR/Operation, Teacher/Academic
I am interested in: Outdoor Sport, Socialising, Travel, Film/Books, Art and Music
Eloy, 36, in Taiwan Reviewed by 21 students on . Eloy, 36, in Taiwan, recommended by 1 student, teaches in Chinese, Japanese, English こんにちは! 私は鄭といいます。 8年以上中国語教師歴を持ってます。 今、台湾で有名な中国語センターに教師をしてます。 一緒に楽しく中国語を学びましょう! Hi! My name is Eloy. I teach Chinese at Taipei Chinese Centre now. Let's study Chinese! Rating: 4.5