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Shannon (33)

Has been teaching on since 06-Apr-2010
Has been recommended by 1 student
My Introduction
Ni3 hao3. Wo3 hen3 xi3huan1 wo3de gong1zuo4. Ni3 xiang3xue2 zhong1wen2 ma1? Gen1wo3 yi4qi3 xue2 ba!! Hello, I love teaching job a lot. Want to improve your Mandarin? Let me help you. You will find it interesting and be amazed that you can really "speak" Chinese.
Listen to my introduction    
More Information about me
I live in Taiwan (Taipei timezone)
I can teach in Chinese, English, Japanese
I speak English (Advanced), Japanese (Intermediate), German (Beginner)
My teaching experience: More than 5 years
I have the following book(s): Practical Audio-Visual Chinese Vol. 1,2, Far East Everyday Chinese (Book2), Far East Everyday Chinese (Book1), Far East Everyday Chinese (Book3), Practical Audio-Visual Chinese, 2nd Edition (3-4)
My additional certificate(s): World Chinese Language Association
I worked in the following industry: Trading Business, Education
I have job experience in: Teacher/Academic
I am interested in: Outdoor Sport, Travel, Film/Books, Art and Music,  language
My Blog Post on
  1. Amazon Kindle (Advanced Level) - posted on 18-Dec-2010
Feedback from my students
" Thank you for the study material, and for giving me useful sentences during the lesson. This is very useful. I like that you speak at the right speed for me. Not too fast and not too slow. See you next time! "
From Nicolas, on 06-Jun-2010
" Shannon, 今天學過很多新的單詞和文法。 下次またよろしくね! :) "
From Guillaume, on 03-Jun-2010
" I really enjoyed learning Chinese from Shannon. The greatest part of her teaching skill is that she makes students feel learning Chinese is a kind of fun. She creates very friendly and relaxed atmosphere in the class. Such atmosphere encourages students speak Chinese without worrying about making mistakes and ask any simple question without any hesitation. When I made mistakes in grammar or pronunciation in the lesson, she always taught me why and which parts are wrong, using plain examples. Learning Chinese from Shannon helped me to improve it in a shortest period. "
From Moriya, on 07-May-2010
" I'm a Japanese company officer used to live in Taiwan for 3 years. It was a very enjoying & exciting hours to have Shanon's Chinese class. She has been experienced to teach for small children to elderly people. She quickly grasp the weak point of the writing, listening, speaking ability and leads me to next step through the lessons. Now I'm back to Japan, but I cannot forget what I had learned. This is only because Shanon's teaching way is much appropriate and effective for each student individually. I hope YOU also can experience such wonderful hours, you can open the new world by Chinese with Shanon. 私は日本人の会社員で、台湾に3年間駐在していました。駐在中Shanon先生に中国語を教わることが出来、非常にラッキーだったと思います。Shanon先生は中国語だけでなく英語も堪能ですし、多少は日本語も話せるので困った時には様々な言語を通して理解を深めたり、質問をしたりすることが出来ます。また、幼児から大人まで中国語を教えた経験があるので、色々な生徒さんへのアプローチを持っています。私は既に日本に帰国していますが、今でも先生に習ったことは忘れずに憶えていますし、それはやはり授業中の反復練習の仕方や、先生との日常会話のやり取りの中で自然と身についたものだと思います。もし、よろしければあなたもShanon先生との中国語体験をしてみてはいかがですか?きっと楽しくて刺激的な世界に出会えるはずですよ。 "
From Takayama, on 22-Apr-2010
" For the duration of 8 months I was placed in Taiwan by my employer and during this time I was lucky enough to have Shannon as my Mandarin teacher. Every week I was very much looking forward to her lessons, which were always fun to attend to. This is due to the fact that Shannon is a very talented and dedicated Chinese language teacher. She combines her pedagogic qualities with a polite, pleasant and friendly personality. The primary teaching language is Mandarin from the start. She carefully chooses her vocabulary to match that of the student's level in order to have fluent conversations from the very beginning. On top of that she is a very patient and understanding teacher. Due to her extensive teaching experience she manages to explain even complex grammatical correlations in a simple and easily understandable manner. Her teaching style can be characterised as highly diversified and creative; language books are merely used as a guideline. Her usage of real life examples make the learned content more easily applicable in everyday situations and at the same time deepens your understanding of the local culture. To my own surprise, at the end of my stay in Taiwan, I was able to communicate fluently about everyday topics with other locals - thanks to her! Any student should feel privileged to have Shannon as her Mandarin teacher. "
From Fabian, on 21-Apr-2010
" Shannon is a wonderful teacher! One thing that impressed me so much about her teaching style is that she doesn't just follow a book - she teaches practical Chinese for everyday use as well. Also, by insisting that we only use Chinese in class, she helped us to improve much more quickly. Having experienced one other teacher who just stood in front of the class and talked, I truly appreciated the way Shannon constantly had us practice using the words we had learned, so that we'd know the correct way to use them. Her explanations of grammar were always easy to understand, even when they were completely in Chinese. Attending her class was so enjoyable, lots of fun and laughter which made learning even more interesting. Now that I'm in university in Taiwan, I still call on Shannon for help when I run into problems, and she always assists willingly and with a smile. Out of all the teachers I had during my three years of languages classes, Shannon is my number one favorite! "
From Marla, on 19-Apr-2010
Shannon, 33, in Taiwan Reviewed by 42 students on . Shannon, 33, in Taiwan, recommended by 1 student, teaches in Chinese, English, Japanese Ni3 hao3. Wo3 hen3 xi3huan1 wo3de gong1zuo4. Ni3 xiang3xue2 zhong1wen2 ma1? Gen1wo3 yi4qi3 xue2 ba!! Hello, I love teaching job a lot. Want to improve your Mandarin? Let me help you. You will find it interesting and be amazed that you can really "speak" Chinese. Rating: 5.0