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Vic (28)

Has been teaching on since 23-Jan-2011
My Introduction
你好,我是Vic。我教“中文”已经5年了 (我的专业领域:跨国企业经营与管理,金融学以及语言与跨文化研究)。Hi, I am Vic.I have taught Chinese for 5 years. (My professional branches are Global Business Management, Finance, and Linguistics & Intercutlture studies) / / I teach Business Chinese and Chinese as a foreign language: (Your level can be)“0”; beginner; intermediate; advanced. / / 22-23, 02 bin ich in Schweiz.
More Information about me
I live in Germany (Berlin timezone)
I can teach in Chinese, English, German
I speak English (Advanced), Russian (Intermediate), Spanish (Beginner), German (Intermediate)
My teaching experience: 3 - 5 years
I worked in the following industry: Trading Business, Education,  Civil Aviation
I have job experience in: HR/Operation, Teacher/Academic,  Global Business Management, Marketing
I am interested in: Outdoor Sport, Socialising, Travel, Indoor Sport, Film/Books, Art and Music, Food and Wine
Feedback from my student
" Thank you Vic for the study material. I give you 5/5. With some pinyin for the more difficult words, it will definitively be better for me. See you next week for our first real lesson! "
From Nicolas, on 27-Jan-2011
Vic, 28, in Germany Reviewed by 8 students on . Vic, 28, in Germany, teaches in Chinese, English, German 你好,我是Vic。我教“中文”已经5年了 (我的专业领域:跨国企业经营与管理,金融学以及语言与跨文化研究)。Hi, I am Vic.I have taught Chinese for 5 years. (My professional branches are Global Business Management, Finance, and Linguistics & Intercutlture studies) / / I teach Business Chinese and Chinese as a foreign language: (Your level can be)“0”; beginner; intermediate; advanced. / / 22-23, 02 bin ich in Schweiz. Rating: 5.0