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Yuming (23)

Has been teaching on since 01-Oct-2009
Has been recommended by 1 student
My Introduction
Buongiorno, mi chiamo Yuming, parlo tre lingue e mi piace molto insegnare il cinese. Sono molto contento di farvi compagnia per imparare il cinese. Vi auguro una buona lezione!!! Bonjour, je m'appelle Yuming, je parle trois langues et j'aime bien enseigner chinois. Je suis très content de vous faire compagnie pour apprendre le chinois. Je vous souhaite une bonne leçon!!! Hello to everybody, my name is Yuming and I am very glad to accompany you for the Chinese learning. I wish you a good time during the lesson!!!
Listen to my introduction    
More Information about me
I live in Taiwan (Taipei timezone)
I can teach in Chinese, English, French
I speak English (Intermediate), Italian (Advanced), French (Intermediate), Japanese (Beginner), Spanish (Beginner)
My teaching experience: Less than 1 year
I have the following book(s): Far East Everyday Chinese (Book1), Far East Everyday Chinese (Book3), Far East Everyday Chinese (Book2)
I worked in the following industry: Education
I have job experience in: Student, Teacher/Academic
I am interested in: Outdoor Sport, Socialising, Film/Books, Art and Music, Food and Wine,  Languages leanring
Yuming, 23, in Taiwan Reviewed by 14 students on . Yuming, 23, in Taiwan, recommended by 1 student, teaches in Chinese, English, French Buongiorno, mi chiamo Yuming, parlo tre lingue e mi piace molto insegnare il cinese. Sono molto contento di farvi compagnia per imparare il cinese. Vi auguro una buona lezione!!! Bonjour, je m'appelle Yuming, je parle trois langues et j'aime bien enseigner chinois. Je suis très content de vous faire compagnie pour apprendre le chinois. Je vous souhaite une bonne leçon!!! Hello to everybody, my name is Yuming and I am very glad to accompany you for the Chinese learning. I wish you a good time during the lesson!!! Rating: 5.0