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Home > Resources > 聲調練習 Tone Exercise

聲調練習 Tone Exercise , by Daphné

聲調練習/声调练习/shēngdiào liànxí/Tone Exercise

[一聲]+[一聲]/[一声]+[一声]/[yī shēng]+[yī shēng]/1st tone with 1st tone
1. 今天/jīn tiān/today
2. 開心/开心/kāixīn/happy
3. 聽說/听说/tīng shuō/to hear of
4. 開車/开车/kāi chē/to drive
5. 書桌/书桌/shū zhuō/a reading desk
6. 交通/jiāotōng/traffic
7. 飛機/飞机/fēijī/airplane
8. 司機/司机/sījī/driver
9. 公司/gōngsī/company, corporation
10. 西瓜/xī guā/water melon

[一聲]+[二聲]/[一声]+[二声]/[yī shēng]+[èr shēng]/1st tone with 2nd tone
1. 非常/fēicháng/very
2. 星期/xīngqí/week
3. 英文/yīng wén/English
4. 中國/中国/Zhōngguó/China
5. 吃糖/chī táng/to eat candy
6. 當然/当然/dāngrán/of course
7. 開門/开门/kāi mén/to open the door
8. 出來/出来/chū lái/to come out
9. 出門/出门/chūmén/to go out
10. 休息/xiūxí/to rest

[一聲]+[三聲]/[一声]+[三声]/[yī shēng]+[sān shēng]/1st tone with 3rd tone
1. 多少/duō shǎo/how much
2. 喝水/hē shuǐ/to drink water
3. 書法/书法/shūfǎ/calligraphy
4. 出口/chū kǒu/exit
5. 風景/风景/fēng jǐng/scenery
6. 開始/开始/kāi shǐ/to start
7. 清楚/qīngchǔ/clear
8. 恭喜/gōngxǐ/congratulation
9. 機場/机场/jī chǎng/airport
10. 招手/zhāo shǒu/to wave (hand)

[一聲]+[四聲]/[一声]+[四声]/[yī shēng]+[sì shēng]/1st tone with 4th tone
1. 吃飯/吃饭/chī fàn/to have a meal
2. 天氣/天气/tiān qì/weather
3. 知道/zhīdào/to know
4. 因為/因为/yīn wèi/because
5. 書店/书店/shū diàn/book store
6. 方便/fāngbiàn/convenient
7. 生病/shēngbìng/to be sick
8. 週末/周末/zhōu mò/weekend
9. 乾淨/乾净/gān jìng/clean
10. 高興/高兴/gāo xìng/happy

[二聲]+[一聲]/[二声]+[一声]/[èr shēng ]+[yī shēng ]/2nd tone with 1st tone
1. 學生/学生/xuéshēng/student
2. 台灣/台湾/Táiwān/Taiwan
3. 國家/国家/guójiā/country
4. 年輕/年轻/nián qīng/young
5. 旁邊/旁边/páng biān/aside
6. 門窗/门窗/mén chuāng/door and window
7. 昨天/zuó tiān/yesterday
8. 停車/停车/tíng chē/to park
9. 時間/时间/shí jiān/time
10. 離開/离开/líkāi/to leave

[二聲]+[二聲]/[二声]+[二声]/[èr shēng]+[èr shēng]/2nd tone with 2nd tone
1. 沒錢/没钱/méi qián/to have no money
2. 德國/德国/Déguó/Germany
3. 同學/同学/tóng xué/classmate
4. 回來/回来/huí lái/to come back
5. 明年/míng nián/next year
6. 平常/píng cháng/normally
7. 原來/原来/yuán lái/actually
8. 銀行/银行/yínháng/bank
9. 紅茶/红茶/hóng chá/black tea
10. 麻煩/麻烦/má fán/trouble

[二聲]+[三聲]/[二声]+[三声]/[èr shēng]+[sān shēng]/2nd tone with 3rd tone
1. 沒有/méi yǒu/to have not
2. 啤酒/píjiǔ/beer
3. 朋友/péngyǒu/friend
4. 游泳/yóuyǒng/to swim
5. 糖果/tángguǒ/candy
6. 還好/还好/hái hǎo/so-so
7. 滑雪/huáxuě/to ski
8. 甜點/甜点/tián diǎn/dessert
9. 而且/érqiě/and
10. 騎馬/骑马/qímǎ/to ride a horse

[二聲]+[四聲]/[二声]+[四声]/[èr shēng ]+[sì shēng ]/2nd tone with 4th tone
1. 不錯/不错/bú cuò/not bad
2. 容易/róngyì/easy
3. 難看/难看/nán kàn/bad looking
4. 還是/还是/hái shì/or
5. 樓上/楼上/lóu shàng/up stair
6. 前面/qián miàn/in front
7. 城市/chéngshì/city
8. 然後/然后/rán hòu/and then
9. 不用/bú yòng/to need not
10. 顏色/颜色/yánsè/color

Coming up more tone exercises with vocabularies starting with third and forth tones.