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By partnering with great companies, we can provide high-quality Study Materials that not only offer excellent learning structure, but also make learning Chinese easier and more fun.

Nciku partnering with is the most comprehensive online Chinese-English dictionary. We partnered because we share the same goal to provide the best level of services for Chinese learners.

While we focus on online Chinese tutoring, nciku provides dictionary and self-learning services. We both believe that by combining our two services, we are creating a great complementary environment for learners to improve their Chinese.

Discover nciku Study Materials for YOUR level (from First Timer to Advanced) and select the topics you are interested in to discuss with your teacher! Nciku Study Materials are a great supplement for your online class providing various types of content like new vocabulary, conversation, picture word lists, chéngyǔ. Try out the free material for your level and make your own opinion.

 Read more about nciku Study Materials is the famous provider of award-winning online Mandarin lessons and learning tools.

Audio and video lessons form the core of ChinesePod; with a library of 1,300 lessons, Mandarin learners can find all the modern, useful language they need - whatever their levels and learning objectives. Better still, here on you’ll find a carefully-selected range of ChinesePod Newbie lessons (with audio, transcripts, translations & key vocabulary), perfect for picking-up basic Mandarin with the help of your teacher.

 Read more about ChinesePod Study Materials breaks away from the restrictions of traditional textbooks by providing an insight into real-world Chinese. It's for this reason that we decided to partner with ChineseHacks, a partnership we know will provide a next-level learning experience.

ChineseHacks believes that Chinese is learnt through experience, by seeing how the language is actually used in practice. It's for that reason all of the ChineseHacks lesson material contains Chinese used just how it would be in a real-world situation, shown to you just how it really is.

ChineseHacks learning materials are based around news and translation of actual Chinese how it is used in the real world. From news, advertisements, posters, videos and more ChineseHacks provides a learning experience that is not found elsewhere.

 Read more about ChineseHacks Study Materials

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